Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Best Bleacher Ever! No, Really!

Northwest School Equipment recently completed installation of new telescopic bleachers for Elkton HS. Elkton is a small town on the lower Umpqua River in Douglas County Oregon. It is a community with a long history in the forest products industry and a great deal of pride in their community. When I first approached the school about purchasing new bleachers they agreed that in the interests of safety and convenience it was time to replace their vintage early 50's telescopic bleachers. I offered them fully automatic powered bleachers with colorful plastic seats. The response was prompt and negative. No Plastic Seats! The alternative I offered was a bleacher with wood benches made from finger joint edge glued Southern Yellow Pine. The response was prompt and negative. No Southern Yellow Pine!

On closer inspection of their old bleachers the solution was clear. Recycle the boards from the old bleachers for use on new modern powered Interkal bleachers. The original bleachers were big heavy open deck tiers of clear vertical grain douglas fir boards that would fetch a very good price in the recycling market. Unfortunately the 16" rise open deck format with no aisle or ADA seating was a long way from meeting building codes or safety requirements. The plan seemed straight forward; remove and refinish the boards and put them on a new Interkal bleacher.

Yes, it seemed easy, until we learned that the bench boards were too narrow, some boards were warped, and some had big notchouts in the back to accomodate the brackets on the old bleachers. Additionally Interkal was concerned that the boards might be too heavy for a standard 3 section bleacher understructure. The engineers at Interkal solved that problem with a beefed up 4 section bleacher. Andy Rapp of Advanced Woodcraft took on the job of remilling and finishing the boards to fit on the Interkal platform. To overcome the challenge of bench boards that were too narrow, the bench boards became the risers and the deck boards became the benches.

The result of a lot of hard work by Andy, Brian Kruse (Elkton SD), Interkal and Northwest School Equipment is arguably the prettiest bank of bleachers ever built.

Clear vertical grain Douglas Fir with 4 coats of finish gives the bleachers the look of fine furniture.

In addition to the fine grain quarter sawn fir benches the Interkal bleachers feature fully automatic self storing aisle rails and are code compliant at the touch of a button. Previously a great deal of labor was required to open or close the bleacher bank, now the operator completes the task in minutes at the touch of a button!

Check out the media spin at: http://www.registerguard.com/csp/cms/sites/web/sports/columnists/25178820-41/bleachers-elkton-gadda-says-wood.csp

Thursday, October 22, 2009

A Video Testimonial

In this brief video Mr. Don Schummacher Athletic Director of Kamiakin HS in Kennewick WA talks about the benefits of Interkal Bleachers.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

"Self Storing Aisle Rails"

Interkal's competitors do not have fully automatic self storing aisle rails. The bleacher shown in the following video is manufactured by Hussey Manufacturing. It requires significant labor hours when either opening or closing the bleacher bank. Please watch the following video. Please note that the rails in this case were on closing left in the unlocked state. This means that students could easily lift them out of their sockets. Upon deployment the operator should use an electric wrench to lock them in either the open or closed postition.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Save Labor and $$!

Northwest School Equipment is the exclusive distributor of Interkal (www.interkal.com) telescopic bleachers in Oregon, Washington and Idaho. An important feature of the Interkal bleacher is the fully automatic self storing aisle rails. Interkal is the only bleacher manufacturer who can offer this feature. All other manufacturer's products require the operator to lock, turn, fold or remove the aisle rails on deployment, reversing the process when closing. Over the life of the bleacher this results in the expenditure of a great deal of money for labor. With an Interkal bleacher however, opening and closing the bank is as easy as pushing a button.